
Biographical information – Sharaf Alkibsi Yemen

Sharaf Alkibsi is an Assistant Professor of Business Administration in Yemen, the author of “A Novice Guide to How to Write a Thesis” found here. He is a researcher, consultant, banker, and lifelong learner.  His research interests centre on Yemen’s current state of emergence, economic development and empowerment, humanitarian effort, and peacebuilding. He worked as the Managing Director of the National Microfinance Foundation working with small business owners to leverage during good times. He worked as the General Manager of Yemen Financial Services Company helping financial institutions develop their methods. He offered consultancy to many developmental organizations helping Yemen prosper from its poverty. He started his career when in the International Bank of Yemen and served as an Assistant General Manager.  He earned his doctorate degree from the University of Phoenix in business administration in 2010 with a BS and MBA from Murray State University.

Contact Information

Dr. Sharaf Alkibsi Yemen Contact +967 733232231

Sharaf Alkibsi – Yemen Activities

In addition to management execution and research, Dr. Alkibsi is the principle licensee for TEDxLIUSanaa, an independently organized TED event. A life-changing experience with the TEDxers community. He enjoys guiding young entrepreneurs to have access to opportunities that can enlighten their future, develop their leadership skills, and provide them with knowledge and skills to perform better in their endeavours.

Sharaf Alkibsi Interests

Currently, Sharaf Akibsi lives in Yemen. Yemen has passed many challenges from poverty to war. The economic landscape has continuously changed from the dependence on oil to the dependence on foreign aid, from a Cholera epidemic to a Corona pandemic. There are much to learn from Yemen to share, and much work to contribute to help the people. I learned that maximizing value comes through coordination and that networks are important to drive change.

In my page, I connect with my students, fellow researchers and consultants, potential clients, and dear friends. Follow me on my social media channels. I have videos of my lectures on YouTube, views on Twitter, and announcements on Facebook. Check out my other pages here.

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