Consultant in Yemen

Working as a consultant in Yemen has opened several doors in my career. I have done several local and international field studies, qualitative and quantitative research, audits, report writing, monitoring and evaluation missions, capacity assessments, capacity building, due diligence, mergers and acquisitions, legal and financial advisory, and many others.
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Consulting and research go hand-in-hand, research has been developed based on consultancy projects. Consulting has provided a wide range of in-depth exposure to tackling issues within many sectors and industries in Yemen.

Check my book on Amazon. A novice guide to how to write a thesis provides the research process any fact-finding mission. Whether you are a consultant, researcher, or master’s student, a data collection methodology is needed.

For students seeking opportunities to assist in Yemen consulting work, please let me know. Masters students gain an opportunity to learn about current issues facing the industry and can collaborate on specific consulting work. I have had students who needed access to specific sector dynamics, statistics, reports, and even people. I believe such network building is important for the development of knowledge and skills and provide valuable knowledge for everyone.

Current consultant projects in Yemen include economic development and Yemen’s current state of emergency and everything around that. The humanitarian situation needs much work to understand the underlying context for the various groups affected by war. The social contract is affecting the entire country’s fabric. The political stagnation has polarized people and created a new social fabric. The economic situation is so severe that new economic patterns are emerging from agriculture to black markets. The health care systems that faced cholera did not see much change when faced by corona. Education and schools are the ultimate hope for the future of Yemen, only if food is secure. As the world points to food security risks and supply challenges, Yemen is not facing anything new.

Consulting the private sector goes into current top topics, trade restrictions, distribution challenges, organizational restructuring, improved efficiencies and productivity, the current trends in renewable energy, value chain analysis, the challenges of the financial system.

I have worked with several master’s students on corporate projects to support digital transformation, fintech technologies, coffee development and exports, and basic trade. Business consultations have addressed issues of ERPs, feasibility studies, risk management, culture, and coaching. My professional experience includes financial services, digital technologies, reach and development, education and research.